Environmental Professionals
Organization of Connecticut

Welcome to EPOC


EPOC was formed in 1996 as a non-profit educational association to represent the interests of CT's Licensed Environmental Professionals (LEPs). We have over 550 members representing numerous technical disciplines, all working in the area of investigation and cleanup of environmentally-impacted sites in Connecticut. Our Young Environmental Professionals group (YEP) provides informational and social events for those on-track to becoming licensed professionals. By joining EPOC, you will receive member discounts on events and be kept informed of all association initiatives and the activities of state regulatory agencies.

Glacial Geology of Connecticut Illustrated by a Fieldtrip in the Lower Connecticut River Valley - June 2024

Upcoming events

On-Demand Courses Now Available
on EPOC's LMS Site

To post news (free for members) and for complete listings, see Member News.

YEP News - Young Environmental Professionals

YEP was formed to address the needs of our associate level members. For further information about YEP including how to join and receive updates, see our YEP page.


Go to EPOC Job Center to view all postings and to post new jobs.
Job Posting site now includes job seekers ability to post resumes. 

Below are the latest jobs posted. Contact EPOC for support.

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