Environmental Professionals
Organization of Connecticut

EPOC Environmental Grant Awards for 2011

The Environmental Professionals Organization of Connecticut (EPOC) is pleased to announce our environmental grant awards for 2011 as follows (total amount of all awards is $5,520):

  • Groundwork Bridgeport: Bridgeport, CT. Project to replant community garden; to enable students to maintain garden, conduct community tours; and, to create new teaching handouts/signage.
  • Niantic River Watershed: For educational/field program for 6th & 9th grades in Salem, Montville, Waterford and East Lyme areas. Goals are to introduce concepts of water quality and methods to measure water quality parameters to middle and high school students; to link water quality to the health of surface water bodies (in this instance, the Niantic River and Bay); to link water quality to nonpoint source pollution (NPS); and to introduce practices students and their parents can utilize at their own homes to reduce NPS.
  • Southbury Land Trust: Southbury Land Trust Phillips Farm Preserve, Southbury, CT – 105 acres of preserved open space with extremely rare land/water body (fen).  Plans are for an Eagle Scout project to construct a boardwalk and kiosk to educate and illustrate the environmental aspects of the preserve.
  • Wildlife-in-Crisis: Focus area is southern CT and surrounding communities. Goal is to provide care and rehabilitation to orphaned wildlife by providing formula to assist with their independent development and eventual release back into their habitats.

The EPOC Grant Program provides non-profit and not-for-profit environmental advocacy groups, community based groups and environmental education organizations, funding for local projects that benefit the environment on an annual basis. For further information, see our Grant Program page.

Environmental Professionals Organization of Connecticut, Inc.
P.O. Box 176, Amston, CT 06231-0176
Seth Molofsky, Executive Director
Phone: (860) 537-0337, Fax: (860) 603-2075

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