Environmental Professionals
Organization of Connecticut

EPOC Environmental Scholarship Awards for 2019

Thu, October 31, 2019 11:36 AM | Seth Molofsky (Administrator)

The EPOC Environmental Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 to assist qualified applicants who are attending a college or university (in CT or out of state) and have declared majors pertinent to the environmental field. The scholarships are awarded annually to junior, senior, and graduate level students (full or part-time) enrolled in accepted programs of study leading the student to become a Technical Environmental Professional in the State of Connecticut as defined by the CT DEEP, or a professional in a related service discipline who may render technical assistance to the Technical Environmental Professional. EPOC would like to express its thanks to all the students applying for a scholarship this year. At a recent meeting of the EPOC Scholarship Fund Committee, this year’s scholarship winners were voted on and approved. Congratulations to the following:

Brian Robinson

Brian is a resident of East Haven and is an Environmental Engineering PhD candidate at the University of Connecticut in Storrs. Brian is a part-time student, and works as an environmental engineering consultant in CT. One of Brian’s professors writes, “I have thoroughly enjoyed having Brian in class because of the insight he brings from his professional career. He recently highlighted his professional work for a class research project. It was interesting for me to see how he could apply what we were learning in the classroom, to the techniques that he was using as a practicing engineer in the field.” In his essay, Brian states, “I pursue an academic path centered on remediation and research focused on the use of advanced oxidative processes to completely mineralize contaminants to their most benign forms. I do not believe relocation or containment of contaminants is truly a solution – it is merely our best option in the absence of a feasible alternative. With the support of the EPOC, I aim to find an answer to our hazardous waste problems that is beneficial to all, not just those fortunate enough to live upwind and out of the radius of influence of dumping grounds.”

Stephanie Wood

Stephanie is a resident of Worcester, MA and has been an Associate Member of EPOC for many years. She is pursuing a master’s in Environmental Management from Duke University – Nicholas School of the Environment, in Durham, NC. Stefanie is currently employed as an environmental consultant overseeing petroleum remediation projects throughout MA, CT, RI, and NY. One of Stephanie’s professors writes, “I am writing with enthusiastic support for Stefanie Wood’s application for the EPOC Scholarship. I serve as the Faculty Director of the Duke Environmental Leadership (DEL) Program, which entails both teaching and advising all DEL students. I have been impressed with Stefanie from the first reading of her application and I am thrilled that she is part of our Class of 2020.” In her essay, Stephanie states, “EPOC has been a part of my professional life for so long. I have lived and breathed fuel oil, gasoline, kerosene, #4, #6 for years (literally and figuratively). This is my opportunity to see beyond that narrow lens and I am seizing it whole-heatedly. I love what I am learning, and I want to bring it back and share it with my fellow professionals in Connecticut.”

Kaitlin Taylor

Kaitlin is a resident of Wethersfield and is a senior at CT Central State University (CCSU), pursuing a degree in Geology. Her professor’s reference letter states, “I am glad to provide this letter in strong support of Kaitlin Taylor’s application for Environmental Professionals' Organization of Connecticut scholarship…Kaitlin is a highly capable and very motivated individual who has a strong commitment to learning. Her extensive course work and research experience are great preparatory tools for success in environmental related fields upon graduation.” Kaitlin writes in her application essay, “This scholarship is important to me because it will allow me to focus more time on environmental geology research in the 2019-2020 academic year. Along with an internship with the Connecticut DEEP, I will also be assisting with a study on uranium contamination in Southbury, CT.”

Isabelle Rein

Isabelle is a resident of Winsted and is a senior at Lafayette College in Easton, PA and is pursuing a major in geology. She has been a Teaching Assistant for Geology/Environmental Geology classes and this year will add the upper level Structural Geology course. One of Isabelle’s professors writes, “I think very highly of Ms. Rein and am happy to be able to give her an extremely strong and unqualified recommendation for this scholarship. I believe that she is an extremely strong candidate - she has a significant knowledge base for an undergraduate, has a tremendous work ethic, can work independently and has the ability to easily interact with people.”. In her essay, Isabelle states, “My education is providing me with excellent educational and travel experiences to learn how geology can be applied to everything. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and instilling excitement in others about the importance of Earth Science, Geology and Environmental Studies.”

Robin Waterman

Robin is a full-time graduate student at Wesleyan University and is pursuing MS degree in Biology and Environmental Studies. Her Environmental Studies advisor writes, “Robin is an exceptionally bright and motivated young scientist. We are currently designing her summer experiments, to continue her training in plant evolutionary ecology and response to environmental stress. Next year and in her later work, Robin plans to bring an evolutionary and ecological perspective to agricultural systems, with the specific goal of working toward more sustainable approaches.” Robin writes in her application essay, “My biology and environmental studies undergraduate degrees are preparing me to apply relevant scientific reasoning to a range of environmental issues and evolving ecological systems. My graduate studies will focus my attention and expertise on the nexus between plants, humans, and the environment. This academic training will have many potential applications to the environmental field, including optimization of sustainable agriculture systems, bioenergy production, climate change mitigation, and phytoremediation of toxic pollution.”

The EPOC Scholarship Fund is financed through the support of EPOC programs, proceeds from golf tournaments, and direct contributions from individuals and companies. EPOC is a non-profit organization, and as such, contributions to the Scholarship Fund are tax deductible for most firms. Unlike many other organizations, 100% of your contributions go in the EPOC Scholarship Fund. A committee of volunteers who support its goals and ideals manages the fund. For further information, please visit our website at www.epoc.org/scholarship.

Environmental Professionals Organization of Connecticut, Inc.
P.O. Box 176, Amston, CT 06231-0176
Seth Molofsky, Executive Director
Phone: (860) 537-0337, Fax: (860) 603-2075

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