Environmental Professionals
Organization of Connecticut

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  • Wed, September 07, 2016 2:18 PM | Seth Molofsky (Administrator)

    2016 Scholarship Awards

    The EPOC Environmental Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 to assist Connecticut residents, or an immediate family member (spouse or child) of an EPOC Member in good standing, who are attending a college or university (in CT or out of state) and have declared majors pertinent to the environmental field.  The scholarships are awarded annually to junior, senior, and graduate level students (full or part-time) enrolled in accepted programs of study leading the student to become a Technical Environmental Professional in the State of Connecticut as defined by the CT DEEP, or a professional in a related service discipline who may render technical assistance to the Technical Environmental Professional. EPOC would like to express its thanks to all the students applying for a scholarship this year. At a recent meeting of the EPOC Scholarship Fund Committee, this year’s scholarship winners were voted on and approved. The total amount of awards for this year was $10,000. Congratulations to the following:

    Julia Scott

    Julia is a resident of Mystic and is a senior at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Massachusetts, majoring in Environmental Engineering. Julia’s senior project at WPI involves stormwater management on a highway in MA and creating solutions for better capture, filtration and overall higher quality of the surrounding bodies of water. Julia states in her application, “Becoming an Environmental Engineer has transformed my view on the way decisions should be made and that whatever the issue or the project, an environmental and sustainable perspective should always be considered.” One of Julia’s professors states, “She has a unique combination of intellectual gifts, interpersonal skills, and work ethic that allows her to excel and make impactful contributions to environmental engineering. The quality of her deliverables is outstanding and she is a vibrant participant in the classroom.”

    Maxwell Meadows

    Maxwell is a resident of Hebron and a senior at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), majoring in Earth Science. While at CCSU, Maxwell has worked on a project researching various land use areas in Lebanon, CT with the overall goal to provide an assessment of the impact of human activities on arsenic and other trace element concentrations. In his application, Maxwell states, “This scholarship will give me the ability to fully dedicate my time to complete this research project in an efficient manner, as well as maintain my academic and career goals. It is my mission to do everything I can to protect, restore, and sustain the environment.” Maxwell’s Hydrogeology professor states: “He proved to be very capable in field geology, environmental geology, geochemistry, and laboratory analysis… I have no doubt in my mind; Maxwell will certainly be an asset to his future employer.”

    Kristina Landry

    Kristina is a resident of Ellington and is entering her senior year at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), majoring in Geological Sciences. During her time at CCSU, Kristina conducted several geological research/field projects and presented results of her studies at a recent meeting of the Geological Society of America (NE section). In her application she states, “I look forward to utilizing the knowledge and skills I gained in school to learn even more from the seniors in my work field.” Kristina’s professor and chair of CCSU’s geological department states, “…as an undergraduate, within one year, Kristina has had experience with back country field work, meticulous sample preparation, stable isotope analysis, fluid inclusion microthermometry, structural analysis, and a presentation at a professional meeting. As she has demonstrated, Kristina is a dedicated, hardworking student. I give my highest recommendation for Kristina Landry for the Environmental Professionals' Organization of Connecticut Scholarship.”

    Gunnar Norback

    Gunnar is a resident of Cheshire and is a senior at Unity College in Maine majoring in Earth and Environmental Science. Gunnar currently serves as the Student Body President and has worked as a summer intern at a CT consulting firm.  In his application he states, “As president I sit as a voting member to the Board of trustees, exposing me to the inner workings of an environmentally focused organization and connecting me with professionals in the environmental field.” One of Gunnar’s professors states, “Gunnar’s commitment and level of engagement are commendable and he always maintains a positive work ethic and rallies his peers. Considering Gunnar’s growing success in academics, passion for learning, and burgeoning research interests, I believe he exemplifies the qualities you are seeking for a recipient of this scholarship.”

    Marlee NajamyWinnick

    Marlee is a resident of Weston and is a part-time graduate student at the University of New Haven seeking her master’s degree in Environmental Science. Marlee is currently employed as an environmental scientist with a CT based consulting firm. Marlee states in her application, “…going to graduate school will advance my technical knowledge giving me a better foundation, further mold my skills in this field, increase my writing capabilities, and help my career in the long-term. I believe it is important for me to have a more technical understanding of the environment in order to better help it.” One of her former professors states, “Marlee’s academic abilities, willingness to work hard, strength in managing and participating in groups, and sticking with the details until she gets them right makes her an ideal candidate for a graduate program.”

    Shannon Spezzano

    Shannon is a resident of Trumbull and is a part-time graduate student at the University of New Haven seeking her master’s degree in Environmental Science. Shannon is currently employed as an environmental scientist with a CT based consulting firm. In her application Shannon states, “By obtaining my master’s degree in environmental science, I hope to learn more about environmental science in general, but mainly focus on hydrogeology and groundwater modeling. By focusing my studies, I will be able to specialize in an area that can further my career.”  One of Shannon’s professors writes, “Shannon is a hard worker who strives for perfection. She is not afraid to ask questions and wants to be sure that she really understand things before proceeding… I also appreciated her contributions to class discussion taken from her consulting work. This really helped to fill the gap the sometimes exists between academia and the real world." 

    The EPOC Scholarship Fund is financed through the support of EPOC programs, proceeds from golf tournaments, and direct contributions from individuals and companies. EPOC is a non-profit organization, and as such, contributions to the Scholarship Fund are tax deductible for most firms. Unlike many other organizations, 100% of your contributions go in the EPOC Scholarship Fund. A committee of volunteers who support its goals and ideals manages the fund. Anyone needing additional information about the Scholarship Fund or EPOC, please contact Seth Molofsky or visit our website page at: www.epoc.org/scholarship

  • Tue, July 05, 2016 12:18 PM | Seth Molofsky (Administrator)

    EPOC is pleased to introduce our updated Job Center posting site.  The EPOC Job Center is a "niche" job board for those interested in posting or seeking jobs in the area of investigation and cleanup of environmentally impacted sites in CT and adjacent states in New England. The site was created by the Environmental Professionals' Organization of Connecticut (EPOC) and is directly linked to EPOC's home page at www.epoc.org (jobs links are posted on EPOC's home page).

    To view the new EPOC Job Center, go to the full job viewing and posting site at:


    We welcome your feedback and suggestions regarding the updated EPOC Job Center and encourage you to post some jobs! Best of luck to all employers and job seekers.

  • Fri, June 17, 2016 3:26 PM | Seth Molofsky (Administrator)

    EPOC Environmental Grant Awards for 2016

    The Environmental Professionals’ Organization of Connecticut (EPOC) is pleased to announce our environmental grant awards for 2016 as follows (total amount of all awards is $9,000):

    Audubon Connecticut

    Audubon Connecticut, an operating unit of the National Audubon Society, is one of Connecticut's premier conservation and environmental education organizations. Their mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity. This grant will provide job training, mentoring, and seven weeks of summer employment in the field of conservation biology for 10 Bridgeport high school students as “WildLife Guards”.

    Housatonic Valley Association

    The Housatonic Valley Association is dedicated to protecting the Housatonic River and its entire 2,000 square-mile watershed stretching from western Massachusetts through western Connecticut and part of eastern New York State. EPOC’s grant is for staff time to manage a stewardship program for 70 students (ages 14-21) in Danbury area to work alongside conservation practitioners on stream and wetland restoration projects.

    Harbor Watch (a program of Earthplace, Inc.)

    The mission of Earthplace is to build a passion in our community for nature and the environment through education, experience, and action. Earthplace has been based in Westport, Connecticut since 1958, and has grown to include many mission-related resources including a state-licensed preschool, a natural history museum, and Harbor Watch, their renowned water quality research program. The EPOC grant will be used to measure water quality and track down pollution sources in the Norwalk River (bacteria and nutrient pollution from sewage & stormwater runoff).

    The EPOC Grant Program provides non-profit and not-for-profit environmental advocacy groups, community based groups and environmental education organizations, funding for local projects that benefit the environment on an annual basis. For further information, see our Grant Program page at www.epoc.org/grants.

  • Mon, November 09, 2015 1:34 PM | Seth Molofsky (Administrator)

    EPOC has been actively involved in reviewing and commenting on the recently updated CT DEEP Groundwater Monitoring Fact Sheet (November 1, 2014, Rev. October 1, 2015). This document can be found on DEEP’s website at:


    The EPOC Board of Directors, and our newly formed Technical Support Committee, have submitted comments to CT DEEP on the November 1, 2014 version of the GW Monitoring Fact sheet, which led to the revisions issued by the Department on October 1, 2015.  Our submittals are available in the links below:

    In addition to the above submittals, members of our Technical Support Committee met with CT DEEP staff on September 3, 2015 and had productive discussions resulting in the latest version of the Groundwater Monitoring Fact Sheet (October 1, 2015). The committee will continue discussions with DEEP on other issues as warranted.

    For further information about EPOC’s Technical Support Committee, please contact Evan Glass at: evan@altaenv.com.

  • Thu, September 17, 2015 3:43 PM | Seth Molofsky (Administrator)

    2015 Scholarship Awards

    The EPOC Environmental Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 to assist Connecticut residents, or an immediate family member (spouse or child) of an EPOC Member in good standing, who are attending a college or university (in CT or out of state) and have declared majors pertinent to the environmental field.  The scholarships are awarded annually to junior, senior, and graduate level students (full or part-time) enrolled in accepted programs of study leading the student to become a Technical Environmental Professional in the State of Connecticut as defined by the CT DEEP, or a professional in a related service discipline who may render technical assistance to the Technical Environmental Professional. EPOC would like to express its thanks to all the students applying for a scholarship this year. At a recent meeting of the EPOC Scholarship Fund Committee, this year’s scholarship winners were voted on and approved. The total amount of awards for this year was $8,000. Congratulations to the following:

    Mara Scallon

    Mara is a resident of Sandy Hook and is a senior at Northeastern University in Boston, majoring in Environmental Science. During her time at Northeastern, she served as the Executive Director of Husky Environmental Action Team and worked at co-ops involving remediation of contaminated properties, solar panel installations and air quality issues. In her application, Mara states, “Ultimately, I intend to work in the field of environmental remediation, specifically cleaning up chemical spills and deliberate discharges.” Mara’s faculty advisor states, “Mara is a very well-grounded and dynamic person, with all of the values that you would hope that a EPOC Scholarship awardee would have, to represent your institution for the next year and thereafter.”

    Carly Cavanaugh

    Carly is a resident of Middletown and a junior at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), majoring in Environmental Earth Science. Carly is currently conducting research with her professor to test the lead levels of the soil at a gun range in Simsbury, and has served as Secretary of the Geology & Planetary Science Club at CCSU. In her application regarding her future career in the environmental field, Carly states, “I can effectively contribute my knowledge of the importance of remediation, the proper use of resources, and the correct management of land to aid in solving environmental problems.” Her Hydrogeology professor writes, “Carley is stellar in the field, and proved to be very capable in field geology…Her dedication to her work and the quality of the work she has done so far is outstanding.”

    Kristin Salimeno

    Kristin is a resident of Berlin and is entering her senior year at the University of Tampa, majoring in Environmental Science. Kristin has interned during the past two summers at an environmental consulting firm involved in remediation studies. One of her professors of Biology states, “She is notable as a scholar, as a professional, and as a grounded, thoughtful, and mature person. I am very confident that you will be proud to have her as one of your scholarship recipients. “

    Austin Granchelli

    Austin is a resident of South Windsor and is a senior at Goodwin College in East Hartford, CT majoring in Environmental Studies. Austin became interested in an environmental career after taking an environmental monitoring course that included sampling and analyzing water quality parameters of the Connecticut River.  The Director of Environmental Studies at Goodwin College states, “Because of his drive to succeed, proven abilities, and impressive academic record, I recommend Austin as a worthy candidate for the scholarship.”

    The EPOC Scholarship Fund is financed through the support of EPOC programs, proceeds from golf tournaments, and direct contributions from individuals and companies. EPOC is a non-profit organization, and as such, contributions to the Scholarship Fund are tax deductible for most firms. Unlike many other organizations, 100% of your contributions go in the EPOC Scholarship Fund. A committee of volunteers who support its goals and ideals manages the fund. Anyone needing additional information about the Scholarship Fund or EPOC, please contact Seth Molofsky.

  • Wed, June 17, 2015 9:36 AM | Seth Molofsky (Administrator)

    For the latest information about YEP, click here.

    EPOC has formed YEP (the Young Environmental Professionals group, see description below) and we are now formalizing our member list. If you are interested in receiving updates and invitations to YEP events, please take a moment today to join YEP officially by logging into your EPOC account and then click on your name (top right on each page) to view your profile and then “Edit profile". You will now be able to join YEP by checking box under “Group participation” and then click “Save” at the bottom of the page. YEP is open to all EPOC members and is included with your membership dues.


    Young Environmental Professionals (YEP) is a group open to EPOC members interested in our programs and social activities that will include:

    - Informational events for those “on-track” to become CT LEPs;

    - Online forum/discussion board to share news, ideas, and questions;

    - LEP exam Study Groups;

    - Socializing and networking events (e.g. bowling, hiking, happy hours); and

    - Other activities per member input

    By joining YEP you will receive invitations to all our activities and access to all our discussion forums.

    For questions about YEP and how you can become involved, please contact us at YEP@epoc.org.

  • Tue, May 26, 2015 12:13 PM | Seth Molofsky (Administrator)
    EPOC Environmental Grant Awards for 2015

    The Environmental Professionals’ Organization of Connecticut (EPOC) is pleased to announce our environmental grant awards for 2015 as follows (total amount of all awards is $12,821):

    • Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District

      The District promotes the sound use and management of natural resources through technical assistance and education in an area that includes 26 municipalities in the lower CT River Watershed and on Long Island Sound. EPOC’s funding will support laboratory costs of microbial source tracking in the Coginchaug River Watershed. The goals of this project are to further efforts to track down possible sources of persistently high levels of E. coli through microbial source tracking. Success will be measured through identification of host sources.
    • Moodus Reservoir Preservation Group

      The Moodus Reservoir Preservation Group (MRPG) is a local non-profit community membership organization working to protect and improve the fragile ecosystem of Moodus Reservoir, a 566 acre man-made lake, located in the town of East Haddam, CT.  EPOC’s grant will support a pilot study to test the efficacy of contact herbicides in 25 heavily infested acres of Moodus Reservoir
      . The funds will be used to supplement additional funding obtained from grants, town funding and private contributions with goal of implementing a treatment program to address invasive aquatic plants that now cover 80% of the lake bottom of Moodus Reservoir.

    • Scantic River Watershed Association

      The Scantic River Watershed Association (SRWA) is an all-volunteer, non-profit environmental organization formed in 1972. The SRWA is committed to protection of water quality and pollution control of the watershed, which encompasses around 90,000 acres in the towns of Hampden, MA, Stafford, Somers, Enfield, Ellington, East Windsor and South Windsor CT, where it drains into the Connecticut River. EPOC’s funding will support the purchase of HOBO temperature data loggers and E.coli testing supplies to monitor water quality parameters along the Scantic River. The association uses volunteers for monitoring and data is summarized annually and is used to monitor the health of the river.
    • East Granby Land Trust

      The East Granby Land Trust (EGLT) is a private, non-governmental, non-profit organization incorporated in 1974 for the purpose of conserving open space in the town of East Granby.  EPOC’s grant will support the hiring of an arborist to remove large trees from Pond Meadow downed due to beaver dam and will include continuing pond maintenance with volunteer support. This past summer the pond was thickly covered with duckweed, a condition that has degraded water quality and the habitat it provides aquatic creatures like fish, turtles and amphibians.

    On an annual basis, the EPOC Grant Program provides funding for local projects by non-profit and not-for-profit environmental advocacy groups, community based groups and environmental education organizations that benefit the environment . For further information, see our Grant Program page.

  • Wed, September 24, 2014 3:33 PM | Seth Molofsky (Administrator)

    2014 Scholarship Awards

    The EPOC Environmental Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 to assist Connecticut residents who are attending a college or university (in CT or out of state) and have declared majors pertinent to the environmental field.  The scholarships are awarded annually to junior, senior, and graduate level students (full or part-time) enrolled in accepted programs of study leading the student to become a Technical Environmental Professional in the State of Connecticut as defined by the CT DEEP, or a professional in a related service discipline who may render technical assistance to the Technical Environmental Professional. EPOC would like to express its thanks to all the Connecticut students applying for a scholarship this year. At a recent meeting of the EPOC Scholarship Fund Committee, this year’s scholarship winners were voted on and approved. The total amount of awards for this year was approximately $10,000. Congratulations to the following:

    Celicia Boyden

    Celicia is a resident of Moosup and is a senior at the University of Connecticut, majoring in Environmental Engineering. During her time at UConn, she also worked as a hydrologist at the U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Geophysics. Celicia’s Environmental Engineering professor states, “I have been deeply impressed by the excellent leadership of Ms. Boyden for design teams, and good organization skills for class and research. She has discussed with me several times about her thoughts of career paths. She always expresses enthusiasm of applying her knowledge to solve real environment problems…”

    Brianna Church

    Brianna is a resident of Higganum and a junior at University of Connecticut, majoring in Environmental Engineering. Brianna was a member of a team of interns at the UConn Office of Environmental Policy (OEP). Her Environmental Engineering professor writes, “Over the past two years, I have also seen Brianna continue to excel in her studies, consistently performing at the top of her class, while working 10-12 hours a week this past year as an extremely reliable, diligent and productive OEP intern. What sets Brianna apart, even from the most motivated students, is her thirst for knowledge and willingness to seek new challenges.”

    Johnathan Feldman

    Johnathan is a resident of Windsor and is entering his senior year at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), majoring in Geology. Johnathan’s Geology professor states, “What sets Johnathan apart from other students is that his service to the Physics and Earth Sciences Department is unparalleled. This past year, Johnathan initiated an effort to bring a chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon (SGE), the Earth Sciences Honor Society, to CCSU. He is currently working on a project with Dr. Oyewumi to investigate arsenic contamination in the area of Lebanon, Connecticut.”

    Larry Page

    Larry is a resident of Northford and is a graduate student at the University of New Haven, pursing a master’s degree in Environmental Science. Larry also works full-time as an environmental consultant at a Connecticut based firm. Larry wrote in his essay, “…my continued studies, which include the pursuit of a Ph.D. in environmental science, will enable me to fulfill my desire to learn about natural processes and to contribute to environmentally sustainable progress.  This type of progress is becoming increasingly important as the population grows and the stresses on the planet’s natural resources rapidly increase.”

    Sarah Vitale

    Sarah is a resident of Manchester and is in her second year of her PhD Hydrology program at the University of Connecticut. Sarah’s graduate academic advisor states, “Sarah is eager to learn and shows a strong commitment to advancing her education in hydrogeology. In her first year as a Ph.D. student, she has taken initiative in the development and progression of her research. She is further developing a cost effective means of characterizing groundwater flow conditions in bedrock and overburden wells using dissolved oxygen as a tracer.Sarah has demonstrated the leadership and persistence necessary to follow through with challenging projects and build a successful career in the environmental field as a hydrogeologist."

    The EPOC Scholarship Fund is financed through the support of EPOC programs, proceeds from golf tournaments, and direct contributions from individuals and companies. EPOC is a non-profit organization, and as such, contributions to the Scholarship Fund are tax deductible for most firms. Unlike many other organizations, 100% of your contributions go in the EPOC Scholarship Fund. A committee of volunteers who support its goals and ideals manages the fund. Anyone needing additional information about the Scholarship Fund or EPOC, please contact Seth Molofsky.

  • Tue, May 06, 2014 2:46 PM | Seth Molofsky (Administrator)
    The Environmental Professionals’ Organization of Connecticut (EPOC) is pleased to announce our environmental grant awards for 2014 as follows (total amount of all awards is $11,460.00):

    • Last Green Valley: EPOC’s funding will support interactive educational opportunities for middle school students during science classes, or after school at club meetings. Hands-on sessions will include using watershed maps and an Enviroscape ®, a table-top watershed model. Students analyze maps, ask questions, make observations, and predict how day-to-day activities can impact storm water and water quality in our lakes, rivers, and Long Island Sound. Students will also learn about pollution prevention and best management practices to help keep pollution from entering our water bodies.

    • Connecticut Envirothon: EPOC’s grant will support the purchase of materials used by high school students and teachers for an annual statewide field competition held in May. CT Envirothon goals are to promote environmental awareness, knowledge, and active personal stewardship among high school students through educational workshops during the school year and cumulating in a field day competition.

    • Eastern CT Conservation District: EPOC’s grant will support The Niantic River Watershed Committee (NRWC) proposal to partner with the Town of East Lyme, Millstone Environmental Laboratory and East Lyme High School to conduct a Streamwalk survey of Latimer Brook in the Flanders area to identify land use and stream corridor conditions that may be contributing to the observed nitrate levels. NRWC will utilize a riparian corridor assessment, or Streamwalk, developed by the Connecticut office of the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service.

    • Norwalk Tree Alliance: The Norwalk Tree Alliance (NTA) initiates and supports programs for a healthy urban forest in Norwalk, where dense populations and development have reduced canopy. NTA provides environmental education in Norwalk area schools and at the Annual CT Tree Festival, which EPOC grant monies will help support.

    • Menunkatuck Audubon: EPOC’s grant will support the improvement of rooftop garden area used by the Barnard Environmental Studies Magnet School to learn about the life cycles of butterflies and observe their unique habits along with pollinators and hummingbirds.
    The EPOC Grant Program provides non-profit and not-for-profit environmental advocacy groups, community based groups and environmental education organizations, funding for local projects that benefit the environment on an annual basis. For further information, see our Grant Program page.
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Environmental Professionals Organization of Connecticut, Inc.
P.O. Box 176, Amston, CT 06231-0176
Seth Molofsky, Executive Director
Phone: (860) 537-0337, Fax: (860) 603-2075

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