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Determining Hydraulic Conductivity from Low Flow Sampling Data
Date and Time: May 13, 2025, 10 AM - 12 PM Location: Live Zoom Webinar
Speakers: Meredith Metcalf, Ph.D. and Gary Robbins, Ph.D.
Continuing Education Credits:
This is the first time this course is being offered for CT LEP credits. The CT State Board of Examiners of Environmental Professionals (LEP Board) has approved this course/webinar for 2.0 hours of continuing education credits (CTLEP-618 W).
Course Description:
The collection of accurate water quality samples is essential in evaluating contaminated groundwater conditions. Low flow sampling has been generally adopted to obtain accurate water quality samples through monitoring the stabilization of key indicator parameters. During low flow sampling water levels and pumping rates are monitored to achieve steady state flow to a well. In this seminar, we will present a method for determining the hydraulic conductivity of the formation using the steady state water level and pumping rate achieved during low flow sampling. The method has been tested and published in the US and abroad and shown to provide equivalent conductivity values achieved in slug testing. As such it can help expedite a site investigation by eliminating the need for another investigatory phase after sampling to determining hydraulic conductivity. Furthermore, the method avoids sand pack drainage problems associated with conducting slug tests in wells screened above the water table. Additionally, the method avoids the limited available pneumatic slug test solutions for high permeable wells that have oscillatory response. The seminar will consist of 1.5 hours of lecture and 0.5 hours of example analyses to be conducted by the participants.
Course Agenda:
Speaker Biographies:
Dr. Meredith Metcalf has a diverse background in natural sciences with a bachelor’s degree in Geology from Colgate University and both a master’s degree in Geology and Geophysics and a Ph.D. in Natural Resources and the Environment (with a concentration in hydrogeology) from the University of Connecticut. Dr. Metcalf, a Professor within the Environmental Earth Science Department, is currently completing her fourteenth year at Eastern Connecticut State University where her primary responsibilities are teaching introductory and advanced/applied courses in geographic information systems and remote sensing. Additional areas of teaching include computer-aided drafting and hydrogeology. Her research interests are in the use of geographic information systems to analyze groundwater sustainability, ground water quality, and groundwater flow patterns in fractured rock.
Dr. Gary Robbins is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Connecticut. He has been a hydrogeologist for over 40 years. His professional experience includes working as a Federal regulator, consultant to the USEPA and other Federal agencies, consultant to state environmental regulatory agencies throughout the U.S,, Project Hydrogeologist for Woodward-Clyde Consultants working on a variety of groundwater contamination-related projects, and Professor of Geosciences and Natural Resources. His most recent research focused on improving methods for investigating groundwater flow and contamination in fractured crystalline bedrock.
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