Environmental Professionals
Organization of Connecticut

YEP 2016 Yearly Review

Thu, October 13, 2016 10:47 AM | Seth Molofsky (Administrator)

Yearly Review 2015-2016

2016 has been a fun and productive year for YEP. YEP’s organization planning began March 2015 with a vision planning meeting between EPOC directors and YEP leaders. Since the official formation meeting in May 2015 we have grown to 115 YEP members, subsequently increasing EPOC membership by 40 associate members.  We have held two member meetings, three social networking events, one LEP information event, and three LEP exam study sessions.

Social Networking Events

  • (3) Events with approximately 15 to 30 people attending.

Thanks to Jean Vossler of Antea Group for organizing the Social and Networking Events for YEP members.

LEP Study Events

  • An LEP informational event was held in December 2015.  Denise Ruzika and Kim Maoriano from Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) presented on the LEP application and exam process followed by a Q&A session with John Hankins, LEP from Fuss & O’Neill and Brian Conte, LEP from GEI Consultants, Inc.  The event was attended by 35 members of EPOC.
  • Three study sessions were organized by YEP in March, April, and May, 2016 and were each attended by 15 YEP members. The sessions were led by LEPs on three main topics: Site Characterization and Interpretation, Remedy Selection and Implementation, and CT Transfer Act.  We understand that 20 people sat for the May 2016 LEP exam and that 11 passed the exam. Congratulations to those that passed their exam and earned your LEP license!

Thanks to Marlee NajamyWinnick of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. for organizing the LEP information event with CT DEEP and LEP study sessions for YEP members. Additionally many thanks to the LEPs who moderated the study sessions: Adam Henry of GZA, Nick Hastings of Woodard and Curran, and Kathleen Cyr, GZA.

YEP Leadership

Over the past 18 months we have grown and operated organically as members have offered to lead different activities and we have gauged interest in the group.  In 2016 and 2017 we will define some roles and responsibilities for YEP leaders to provide more regular communication with YEP members for social and educational events, and to coordinate YEP activity with the EPOC leaders and committees.  Dan and Brian will send out a notice later this month with more information for you.

Past Events

  • May 22, 2015: Members founding meeting, City Steam Brewery, Hartford, CT
  • Oct 15, 2015: Social Event at Paradise Hill Vineyard, Wallingford, CT
  • Dec 4, 2015: LEP Informational Event, CT DEEP, Hartford, CT
  • Mar 22, 2016: Members open forum, City Steam Brewery, Hartford, CT
  • Mar 29, 2016: LEP Study Session 1 – Site Characterization and Interpretation
  • Apr 19, 2016: LEP Study Session 2 – Remedy Selection and Implementation
  • May 2, 2016: LEP Study Session 3 – CT Transfer Act
  • May 25, 2016: Social Event at Mezzo Grille, Middletown, CT
  • Jul 26, 2016: Social Event at Black Bear Saloon, Hartford, CT
Upcoming Events
  • TBD: YEP Conceptual Site Model Course
  • TBD: Fall Social Event
  • TBD: LEP Study Sessions
  • TBD: Members Open Forum


Brian Skelly and Daniel Preli

YEP co-chairs

Environmental Professionals Organization of Connecticut, Inc.
P.O. Box 176, Amston, CT 06231-0176
Seth Molofsky, Executive Director
Phone: (860) 537-0337, Fax: (860) 603-2075

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