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LEP Courses Available
Content last updated: 2/14/25 - Added EPOC Upcoming Live Courses for EURs and Laboratory Data Quality Assessment...

This page is offered as a service to EPOC members and the LEP community to provide information on available courses that have been approved for Continuing Education Credits (CECs) by CT's LEP Board. If you are aware of an upcoming program that is not listed, please send details to us at epoc@epoc.org. Please note the following:

  • The official list of approved LEP courses is posted on DEEP's website here (this is an Excel file to download).
  • Any specific questions releated to your LEP licensing requirements or courses should be directed to Liz McAuliffe, LEP Board Acting Chair and Administrator.

On-Demand vs. Live Courses:

As a reminder, per the LEP Regulations, the maximum number of CECs allowed for LEP's two-year renewal from approved on-demand/distance learning courses is 12 credits. These courses are identified in DEEP's LEP course listing with a "D" following the approved course number. Live Zoom type webinars and in-person courses are not defined as on-demand courses, and thus there is no limit as to how many hours of live courses can be used for license renewals (up to 24). Please be aware of how many on-demand vs. live courses you are claiming each renewal cycle to ensure you are compliant with the regulations.

EPOC Planned Courses Prior to June 2025

EPOC is planning several live courses in the coming months and we will post them below and on our Events page, as well as notify all members via Email. We will be making applications for course approvals to the LEP Board for their February 13 and March 13, 2025 meetings. Here is a list of our upcoming live courses and our three approved on-demand courses available (4 hours each):




Note: EPOC is providing this information without endorsement or affiliation with any of the course offerings or providers. Any questions regarding credit hours, approvals and course content should be directed to the course providers.

Upcoming Live Courses:

Other Course Providers:

  • LSPA: The MA LSP Association typically applies for CT LEP credits for their courses. See their website listing for latest info.
  • Midwest GeoSciences Group:  The Midwest GeoSciences Group offers both live and on-demand credits for CT LEPs.
  • EnviroClass: Has approved on-demand courses for CT LEPs.
    Environmental Professionals Organization of Connecticut, Inc.
    P.O. Box 176, Amston, CT 06231-0176
    Seth Molofsky, Executive Director
    Phone: (860) 537-0337, Fax: (860) 603-2075

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